Négationnisme de la vérité

Publié le par Grand Beau et Riche Pays

Peter Erlinder commémorait le génocide rwandais en l' imputant à Kagame.


30.04.2010    RFI    Peter Erlinder accuse Paul Kagamé et le Front patriotique rwandais (FPR) d'avoir orchestré, le 6 avril 1994, la destruction de l'avion qui transportait les présidents rwandais et burundais. En avril 2010, il a déposé une plainte pour mort suspecte devant un tribunal fédéral d'Oklahoma. Lorsque Paul Kagamé s' est rendu à l'université d'Oklahoma à l'occasion d'une remise de diplôme d’élèves boursiers de la présidence rwandaise, des avocats et des huissiers ont tenté d'approcher l'entourage présidentiel pour lui remettre une assignation et divers documents. Les services de sécurité les en ont empêchés.


28.05.2010    AFP    La police rwandaise a arrêté l’avocat et professeur de droit américain Peter Erlinder, accusé de nier la réalité du génocide des Tutsi de 1994. "C'est quelqu'un qui nie le génocide, dans ses écrits et ses discours. Pire que ça, il est devenu un organisateur de négationnistes", a accusé le procureur général du Rwanda. "Si le négationnisme (du génocide des Tutsi) n'est pas puni dans son pays, il l'est chez nous au Rwanda. Et en venant ici, il le savait bien". 


Peter Erlinder est président de l’Association des avocats de la défense auprès du Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda (TPIR).


On ne nous dit pas tout

Le " négationnisme" de Peter Erlinder, dans le texte:

In 2006 the United Nations Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in Arusha saw multiple witnesses as well as numerous never-before-public UN documents.
The former U.S. Ambassador to Rwanda, Hon. Robert Flaten testified that  he personally warned Gen. Kagame and Pres. Habyarimana in late 1993 that if either resumed war that person would be responsible for thousands of civilian casualties from retaliatory killings that U.S. State Department predicted would occur, should the war resume…similar to killings that swept Burundi/Rwanda in 1988. Another testimony, supported with original U.N. and other documents, established  that Gen. Kagame ordered the assassination of President Habyarimana to de-stabilize his enemy, and that he ordered the final assault on April 6, 1994 within minutes after learning of the successful missile attack….long BEFORE any retaliatory, civilian killings had occurred anywhere in Rwanda.
Between April 1994 and July 1994, the RPF was the only military force  in Rwanda which was militarily capable of stopping the massacres, with or without a cease-fire, however, on numerous occasions Gen. Kagame specifically ordered field officers NOT to use troops "to save civilians while RPF soldiers are dying" and, as Gen. Dallaire testified under oath, Gen. Kagame told him that civilian killings as "collateral damage" for his war plan.  In July 2003, then-ICTR Prosecutor Carla
Ponte announced that she had discovered enough evidence to prosecute BOTH sides in the Rwandan War.  However, shortly thereafter, Pres. Kagame called for her resignation, as did Colin Powell and Kofi Annan.  She was replaced two months later and, to this date, not ONE person associated with Gen. Kagame's successful seizure of power has been called to account at the ICTR  (unlike the ICTY in which leaders associated with all major actors have been indicted).
In light of the evidence now in the public record of the Tribunal, a formal Motion is being prepared which requests the President of the Tribunal, and the Office of the Prosecutor, to draft the Indictment of Paul Kagame for Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, various War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity and Conspiracy to commit such crimes, all committed by him, and the troops he commanded in Rwanda in 1994.  Kagame is an accused war-criminal, on the same order as the recently arrested former-president Charles Taylor. That needs to put the record straight….and to put the matter for evaluation.
©  2006 Prof. Peter Erlinder,
ICTR Lead Defence Counsel, Past-President, National Lawyers Guild, N.Y.C.

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